About Us - Be Sunsible – Protecting Outdoor Workers

Alberta Health Services (AHS) and its industry partners began the Be Sunsible initiative in 2010 to increase the recognition of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) as an occupational hazard and to reduce the incidence of skin cancer among outdoor workers in Alberta. This website will provide employers of outdoor workers with information on the occupational hazards of UVR. With these online tools and resources, you will be able to create a comprehensive sun safety program and a supportive environment for outdoor workers. As well, you will positively impact modifiable risk factors for skin cancer at the workplace level. 

Protect the health of your outdoor workers from the impact of skin cancer.
Join the Be Sunsible pilot today.

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We would like to thank the many industry and government partners who have made the Be Sunsible initiative possible by providing their valuable feedback and guidance. Key partners who participated in its development were originally identified by assessing the working population in Alberta and the industries that have a significant concentration of outdoor workers at risk of UVR exposure. This group is composed of individuals with a vested interest in skin cancer prevention and has also provided essential input to the collaborative development of other aspects of the "Be Sunsible" initiative.

The key partners include representatives from:

  • Alberta Construction Safety Association
  • Alberta Human Services, Occupational Health and Safety, Program Development and Research
  • Alberta Society of Melanoma
  • Canadian Cancer Society
  • Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation
  • College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA)
  • Imperial Oil Limited
  • Lifesaving Society Alberta & Northwest Territories
  • United Farmers of Alberta (UFA)


Funding provided, in whole or in part by Alberta Health. Provision of funding by Alberta Health does not signify that this project represents the policies or views of Alberta Health.

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